"Eco" contains a series of works that have been most commonly made of materials that pollute the environment. These materials, rarely properly managed as waste, end up affecting communities around one of the largest Romanian cities, Timisoara. The project addresses wide issues that concern environmental protection, including recycling, reusing, reducing, the lack of responsibility and the significance of water, air and soil quality for life conditions in urban areas. The anti-romantic and non poetic discourse of the "eco" series is an expression of the subversive attitude towards earlier approaches to nature which concentrated in exploring the visual qualities of landscape in Timisoara, but ignored the reality of environmental issues.
How Much Do You Recycle?, 2009, microscope, print, glass slides, dimensions variable
Three Plates, 2009, paper plates, earth, fork, dimensions variable
Suffocate for Comfort, 2009, mixed media, 200 x 280 cm
Eco-mob, 2009, mobile phone with earth and grass, 5 x 4 x 15 cm
Little Vienna - Big Landfill, 2009, Timisoara city map on plstic bag, 85 x 80 x 80 cm